Sunday, September 25, 2011

How do I automatically show active tasks?

Active tasks: Use light-bulb icons to indicate which tasks have started

In my weekly project calls with stakeholders, I use light bulb icons to identify which tasks to discuss, update with status info, etc. 

Because my project schedules typically have a few hundred line items, I really don't want to be reading each line in the schedule to see which task is active. Believe it or not, other project managers actually read start dates for each task (out of hundreds of tasks) to see which tasks to ask for status or discuss!

My philosophy is simple: look but don't read. So I stuck in a simple formula for MS Project to use to automatically display light bulb icons for active tasks (start date >= today's date).

Time needed: <3 min
  1. Insert a column (preferably to the left of the "Task Name" colum)
    • e.g., right-click on Task Name column > Insert Column > Field name: Text 1
    • Title: Start
    • Align data: Center
    • Ok
  2.  Add a formula to determine whether a task will finish on time, finish semi-late or finish really late
    • e.g., Right-click on "Start" column > Customize fields > Highlight Text1
    • Select formula > Ok > Formula
    • Paste this formula in box: IIf([% Complete]<>100,IIf([Current Date]>[Start]-1,1,0))
    • Ok
  3. Add graphical indicators to the formula
    • Click on Graphical Indicators button
    • Indicator criteria for: Nonsummary rows
    • Test for "Finish on Time?"
      • equals    1.00   [Select image of lighted light bulb]
    • Ok > Ok

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