Sunday, August 28, 2011

Automatically Color-code Milestones

Fig 1: MS Project will automatically format tasks such as milestones if the text style is defined
Philosophy of color-coding milestones
My basic philosophy with the schedule is to keep it simple: look but don't read. Which means that the 5-7 milestones (see blog post on Too Many Milestones) should visually stand out. I shouldn't have to look for 0-day duration tasks to identify when I'm looking at a milestone.

MS Project provides a nifty way of automatically formatting tasks (milestones, critical tasks, etc).

Steps to auto-format milestone tasks
  1. Format > Text Styles (see fig. 1)
  2. Items to Change: Milestone Tasks (see fig. 2)
  3. Select the text color and background (I normally choose a lime green background that's bold)
Fig. 2: Select the task that you want formatted

Sunday, August 21, 2011

How do I align text in columns?

Change titles: Unhappy with the alignment or labels for the titles? Just double-click the titles to edit them

If you're interested in changing the column for the graphical indicators after it's been created - change alignment or change column heading - just double-click the column header and you'll have five properties of the column that you can change:
  • Field name: Text1
  • Title: Finish on Time?
  • Align Title: Center
  • Align data: Center
  • Width
  • Header Text Wrapping

Monday, August 15, 2011

Why Show Late Tasks using Graphical Indicators?

  • Key Point: Save time by using MS Project to automatically mark tasks that have failed to complete on time
On large projects that I've managed (200+ line items), it's always been a pain and a time-waster to actually read the "Finish By" dates to see if any particular task is late. I've seen some PMs who would, before their weekly status call with stakeholders, manually read through 100+ line items and manually highlight late tasks in red! And then on their status call, would ask the respective owners to provide new ETAs so the tasks would be on track.
But there's a better way of showing late tasks.
Automatically indicating which tasks are late in finishing is easy to implement: five minutes at the most. Moreover, as shown in the screenshot, MS Project has some nice visual indicators that you can use to indicate four states:
  1. NO BALL: Task has completed
  2. GREEN BALL: Task still has a chance of finishing on schedule
  3. RED BALL: This really late task has missed planned finished date by more than a few days
  4. YELLOW BALL: This semi-late task is missing planned finished date by 1-3 days
As you can see, it's easy for the eyes to focus on all the really late tasks (RED BALL) and semi-late tasks (YELLOW BALL). And in future posts, I'll show how you can filter on really late or semi-late tasks: management will like this filtered view since they're only in interested in focusing on problem tasks (late & semi-late tasks).

Monday, August 8, 2011

Knowledge vs Information

Knowledge = Information that is Practiced

One key point to emphasize is that this blog will heavily emphasize on implementing information so it becomes knowledge as shown in the knowledge funnel. All of us get tons of project management information from two sources:
  • Literature (1-way medium) e.g., books, magazines, blogs, articles
  • People (2-way medium) e.g., other project managers, general management, project stakeholders
These two buckets of information end up being filtered by our experience or things that we encounter or tasks with which we experiment. And knowledge is the processed information that pops out at the other end of this information funnel.

For example, I first read about  Monte Carlo simulations in Waltzing with Bears (literature). After talking to a Microsoft Solution Manager who actually had implemented this method (people), I tried using it for coming up with ranged estimates i.e., task X will complete within 10-15 days instead of single-point estimates (task X will complete in 10 days). Liquid Planner, an online alternative to MS Project, has Monte Carlo simulations  built in and is really cool for predicting the probability of completing a schedule by a certain date.

In fact, in one project, after putting together a schedule for a project, I had told my management that we only had a 10% probability of meeting the desired date and a 90% probability of meeting another date that was nearly two months later. While we decided not to share this info with our  client, at the end of the project, the Monte Carlo method had amazingly enough predicated the correct date to within a few weeks of accuracy!

But despite this very educational experience, I stopped using Monte Carlo because my consulting situation in another large firm didn't allow for online project management tools. And using the Monte Carlo method within MS Project 2007, the only authorized project management app, proved time-consuming. Still, it was valuable experience gained using this statistical technique.

So, whenever you read a post, my recommendation is that you try for a week or so what's been posted to see if the specific schedule management technique works for you. If it doesn't, please do drop me a note letting me know why it didn't work for you. I'm always interested in learning when specific techniques work and when they fail.

And don't worry.

In future posts, I'll spend less time pontificating and focus more on actionable information  that you can implement and thus turn into diamonds of knowledge.