Sunday, September 18, 2011

How do I Automatically Show Late Tasks?

Late indicators: Balls change color automatically depending on whether task will finish on time
Follow the three steps below to get  late task indicators such as shown in the screenshot. Colored balls indicate whether a task will finish really late, semi-late or is on track for finishing on time. 
Time needed: <3 min
  1. Insert a column (preferably to the left of the "Task Name" colum)
    • e.g., right-click on Task Name column > Insert Column > Field name: Text 1
    • Title: Finish on Time?
    • Align data: Center
    • Ok
  2.  Add a formula to determine whether a task will finish on time, finish semi-late or finish really late
    • e.g., Right-click on "Finish on Time?" column > Customize fields > Highlight Text1
    • Select formula > Ok > Formula
    • Paste this formula in box: IIf([% Complete]<>100,DateDiff("d",[Finish],[Current Date]))
    • Ok
  3. Add graphical indicators to the formula
    • Click on Graphical Indicators button
    • Indicator criteria for: Nonsummary rows
    • Test for "Finish on Time?"
      • is less than    1.00  [Select image of green ball]
      • is less than    3.00  [Select image of yellow ball]
      • is greater than or equal to   3.00  [Select image of red ball]
    • Ok > Ok
That's it! You're done. Now MS Project will automatically display which tasks will finish on time, will be semi-late, or really late. Key rules to keep in mind:
  • NO BALL: Task has completed. Only incomplete tasks (< 100%) will have colored icons indicating whether it's late or not. Summary tasks (complete or incomplete) also will NOT have any colored icons
  • GREEN BALL: Task has a chance of finishing within 1 day of the planned finish date
  • YELLOW BALL: This semi-late task is missing planned finished date by 1-3 days  
  • RED BALL: This really late task has missed planned finished date by more than 3 days
  • To change the criteria for the tasks that will finish late or really late, just change the # of days (currently set to 3 days) to the # of days you prefer

1 comment:

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